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4th of July: A Mindful Celebration with Marianne Williamson

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Recorded live in Los Angeles on Independence Day 2011, Marianne Williamson talks about the ideals set forth by our founding fathers, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and others of our country's visionaries, and how these ideals apply to our world today.  Following is a transcribed excerpt from this fascinating lecture:

"I۪d like to begin by reading a quote to you, and I wonder if anybody is going to guess who wrote these words.

'We are witnessing in our day the birth of a new age with a new structure of freedom and justice. Now as we face the fact of this new emerging world, we must face the responsibilities that come along with it. A new age brings with it new challenges. First, we are challenged to rise above the narrow confines of our individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

The new world is a world of geographical togetherness. This means that no individual or nation can live alone. We must all learn to live together or we will be forced to die together. Through our scientific genius we have made of the world a neighborhood now through our moral and spiritual genius; we must make of it a brotherhood. We are all involved in this single process. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. We are all links in the great chain of humanity. We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization.'۝

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Running time: 74 minutes

ISBN: Digital Download 978-1-61544-241-6

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